Stormont crisis won't affect EU talks: May

Theresa May says the political crisis at Stormont will not delay BrexitTheresa May says the political crisis at Stormont will not delay Brexit
Theresa May says the political crisis at Stormont will not delay Brexit
The political crisis in Belfast will not delay the process for Britain's exit from the European Union, Theresa May has said.

Northern Ireland is facing a snap election following the resignation of Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness.

The SNP’s Westminster leader Angus Robertson called on the prime minister to delay triggering Article 50 if voters go to the polls because it would leave Northern Ireland voiceless in the Brexit process.

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“In these circumstances will she postpone Article 50 or will she just plough on regardless?” he asked.

Mrs May said she wanted a swift resolution to the political crisis in Northern Ireland.

She added: “It is still the case that ministers are in place and that obviously there are executives in place, that we are still able to take the views of the Northern Ireland people.”

In the first session of Prime Minister’s Questions of the new year, Mrs May repeated her intention to set out more details about the Government’s approach to Brexit soon.

“I will ... in a matter of weeks be setting out some more details of our proposal on this issue.”